
Documents Checklist
For checking and collation of documents during booking,
For all cases
1)    Proof of Identity/Citizenship
§  Singapore Citizen – Pink IC (both sides)
§  Singapore Permanent Resident – Blue IC (both sides)
§  Non Singapore Citizen – Passport / Foreign IC (if any)

2)    Proof of Relationship / Marital Status
§  Parent-child / sibling – Birth Certificate
§  Marriage – Marriage Certificate
§  Divorced – Decree Nisi Absolute / Final Judgement / Divorce Certificate
§  Separated – Deed of Separation / Petition for Divorce
§  Widow / Orphan – Death Certificate

3)    Proof of Income

§  Employed Persons
­       Payslip or Income Letter (original) certified by employer as at Date of Application
­       12 months Commission Statements / Payslips (original) as at Date of Application; or
­       Letter from Employer stating past 12 months Commission (with company stamp/Letterhead, name, signature and designation of certifying officer)

§  Self-Employed
­       Income Tax Return/ Assessment for the past 12months; or
­       Certified Statement of Account from an Audit Firm; and
­       Valid Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) computer information (business profile) or Valid License of Business/Trade; and
­       Statutory Declaration* to declare the average monthly income for the past 12 months

§  Unemployed Persons
­       Statutory Declaration* to declare the period of unemployment with no income; or
­       Copy of Student Pass and Letter from School / College / Institute of Learning for persons who are 18 years old above, to confirm student status.

*Statutory Declaration may be executed at the Sale Office at HDB Hub or at any HDB Branch Office

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